Heart Lake Trail Improvment

63721-00994 Backpacker above Heart Lake, Great Burn, Lolo National Forest, Montana George Wuerthner-555.jpg
63721-00994 Backpacker above Heart Lake, Great Burn, Lolo National Forest, Montana George Wuerthner-555.jpg

Heart Lake Trail Improvment


Heart Lake is one of the most popular locations in the Great Burn Proposed Wilderness, which means the trail gets its fair share of wear. Volunteers will help the US Forest Service trail crew on trail improvement on the main Heart Lake trail 171. 

This trip is rated as moderate to strenuous in difficulty.

**All volunteer trips are subject to change due to ever changing fire activity.


Day 1 | Meet at Heart Lake Trailhead at 9am. Hike to meet the USFS trail crews- which should be within 1-2 miles of the trailhead. GBCA volunteers will lend a helping hand for the day. Volunteers will then head to Heart Lake to spend the night.

Day 2 | Volunteers will help the Superior District tail crew on improving trail 171. Work will consist of rebuilding creek crossings, tread improvement, waterbar installation, and rock work.

Day 3 | After breakfast and packing up, volunteers will continue work on trail 171 until mid-day, when we will hike back out to the Heart Lake trailhead and head home.

Great Burn Conservation Alliance trips are FREE. Each volunteer will be required to make a 100% refundable deposit to secure a trip spot. The cost of the deposit is $50, which will be returned if you cancel at least 3 weeks before your scheduled trip or once you attend the trip.  A lot of planning goes into these trips, and we need to make sure you’re committed! If you are unable to make a deposit, please reach out to Hayley@greatburn.org