The Great Burn ecosystem is a massive area that is difficult to inventory effectively by a single organization. With that, crowdsourcing phone apps and forms provide an ideal way for organizations like GBCA and our USFS partners to understand issues in the field, allowing us to address current needs and prioritize work more effectively. Here are a few tools we encourage you to use while in the field.

Colorado Mountain Club RIMS

The RIMS app, standing for Recreation Impact Monitoring System, provides a form to report trail and campsite conditions, track visitor use, and report rule violations within the backcountry. This app allows for information entry while deep within the Great Burn, providing accurate GPS information. 

The data entered into the RIMS app will be used by USFS and GBCA to determine current needs and priorities, as well as to understand current use rates.

To learn more and download, check out the RIMS information page.

Wild Spotter

The Wild Spotter app is a GBCA partner focused on plant identification and tracking of invasive species present in the backcountry. This app provides an excellent forum for education-related plant identification while simultaneously providing USFS and GBCA with location-based data related to invasive species. 

To learn more and download, check out the Wild Spotter website.

GBCA Direct Form

If neither of these apps fits your needs, or perhaps you want GBCA to address a potential issue directly, use our Direct Reporting Form. 

Within this Google Form, detail any issues, experiences, or general comments pertaining to your experience within the Great Burn. We greatly appreciate any information you can provide us to further the conservation and stewardship of the Great Burn ecosystem. Once your form is submitted, expect to hear from a member of the Great Burn staff shortly.