Trail Crew

For a full job description, please click HERE.

At this time, all Trail Crew member positions have been filled for 2025.

Restoration Crew

The Backcountry Restoration Crew will cover a wide area of the Great Burn ecosystem surveying, monitoring and treating noxious weed populations. the crew will be responsible for implementing an integrated noxious weed management protocol, including hand-pulling, collection/release of biocontrols, herbicide application, and monitoring across three National Forests (Lolo, Clearwater, Idaho Panhandle). The area is home to blue ribbon trout streams and abundant wildlife, and this work directly improves the wild character of the area. Additionally, the roving restoration crew will often engage with recreational users and volunteers, providing educational outreach opportunities and advocacy for wild spaces. If you have wanted to continue to build your knowledge of restoration, improve communication skills utilized within partnerships, and immerse yourself into one of the wildest landscapes in the Lower 48, this is for you! Work will start mid-May and end in late August, with potential for part time through September.

For full job description please click HERE.

Great Burn Conservation Alliance is an equal opportunity employer. We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees, board members, volunteers, and partners.