Hiking in the Bitterroot National Forest.
Hi everyone! My name is Kate, and I recently joined the team at Great Burn Conservation Alliance as a Big Sky Watershed Corps (BSWC) member. My primary role is Volunteer Coordinator, and I will help facilitate our stewardship projects this season. I am hopeful to help foster a passion for conservation and stewardship among community members and look forward to exploring the Great Burn ecosystem.
I grew up camping and exploring outdoors in Iowa, where I developed a deep connection with the natural world. Following my interest in conservation, I made my way to the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness for a 10-day adventure facilitated by Johnson County Conservation and the Selway-Bitterroot Frank Church Foundation. This trip was my first introduction to boots on the ground land stewardship, and I was hooked.
I graduated from Drake University in 2023, where I studied Environmental Science, Spanish, and History. Throughout school, I gained experience as a land stewardship intern with the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation (INHF), a wilderness ranger fellow with SBFC, and a field crew leader with Iowa Conservation Corps. After graduation, I took on a role as a seasonal park employee with Polk County Conservation. Several months later, I jumped on the opportunity to work with INHF again as a temporary member of their central Iowa land stewardship team. I was lucky enough to extend my term with them, which opened the door for me to join BSWC and GBCA this spring.
Iowa’s prairies, woodlands, and waters will always have a special place in my heart, but I am thrilled to be back in the mountains. I am excited to leverage my knowledge and experience in natural resource management in such a beautiful and special place.
My cat, Xyla, joining me on an adventure.
In my free time, I adore being around water, whether it be swimming in an alpine lake or journaling beside a peaceful creek. As much as I love to adventure in nature, I can also be a major homebody. Sitting at home with my plants, craft project, and cat fills my cup and helps me recharge between hitches in the field.