So many flowers were spotted this week on the trail! Weitas Creek #20 varies between dry side slopes and dense cedar forests. It was hard to pick just a couple flowers to highlight this hitch, so here’s eight different features. Starting in the top left is Pink pyrola (Pyrola asarifolia); this is part of the wintergreen family and is native to the Western US. Next, Syringa (Philadelphus lewisii), is the Idaho state flower. This shrub was in full bloom on the dry, open side slopes of the trail. This Indian paint fungus (Echinodontium tinctorium; top right) was found growing on a couple grand firs that were being cut out of the trail. This fun sighting of a cicada on a Mountain daisy (Erigeron peregrinus; middle left) made for a good picture in the yard of the Guard Station. The Merten’s Coralroot (Corallorhiza mertensiana; middle right) is unique as there is no green on this plant. It was found in the dense cedar forest. Indian pipe (Monotropa uniflora; bottom left) is another unique one of the forest as it is completely translucent white. The White bog orchid (Habenaria dilatata; bottom center) was found in a drainage ditch around mile 12. And finally, Tiny trumpet (Collomia linearis; bottom right) was blooming on the open side slopes along with the Clarkia and Yarrow.