

Fostering a Connection

The Great Burn Conservation Alliance (GBCA) is dedicated to fostering a strong connection between local youth and the natural world through our dynamic Education Program. By partnering with local schools and youth groups, we bring the wonders of the Great Burn ecosystem directly to students. Our curriculum is designed to immerse young learners in the study of native ecosystems, wildlife, native species, the challenges posed by invasive species, as well as wilderness skills. We blend classroom instruction with hands-on, experiential learning to create a comprehensive educational experience that is both engaging and impactful.

Community Focused

Our education program is rooted in the values of community engagement, and we work with local schools and youth groups throughout our mission area. Our curriculum is designed to not only impart academic knowledge but also to foster a sense of belonging and mutual respect among students, teachers, and community members. Through collaborative projects, local partnerships, and community service initiatives, we ensure that our students develop a profound appreciation for their community and the natural world around it, as well as a strong sense of responsibility towards its betterment.

Experiential Learning

Central to our program are the field trips into the Great Burn, where students can experience the wilderness firsthand. These excursions are not just about observing nature; they are about experiencing it, understanding it, and developing the skills needed to protect it. Students participate in activities like identifying native plants and learning wilderness skills. This direct engagement with the environment helps to solidify their classroom learning and fosters a lifelong appreciation for nature. Through our efforts, we aim to inspire the next generation of conservationists who are knowledgeable, passionate, and equipped to make a difference in preserving our natural heritage.